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AvenuesAR is the official augmented reality mobile app accompanying the viewbook of Avenues New York, a campus of Avenues: The World School.

Avenues New York is a 15-grade independent school located in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. Since opening in 2012, its student body has grown to 1,700. Its graduates are studying at some of the world’s finest education institutions and are well on their way to becoming, in the words of our mission statement, “architects of lives that transcend the ordinary.”

The AR experiences contained in this app were designed to convey Avenues’ DNA—our mission, vision and approach—as vividly as possible. Each one presents a distinctive feature of an Avenues education—the learning experiences that define a student’s journey through Avenues.

Once you’ve explored the app, we warmly invite you to visit our New York campus for an information event or tour. Visit avenues.org/nyc for more information.

Welcome to A New School of Thought. We’re so glad you’re here.